Monday, March 4, 2013

GMOs - What in the world?

The topic that has been buzzing for me lately is GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). At first, I was like "What in the world is that?" I heard lots of negative connotations around them and knew it had to do with our food, but did not know much else about them. Basically foods and animals are genetically engineered to be something they naturally would not have been. Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide.

I first started buying more fruits and vegetables while I was on my cleanse (which I have by the way reintroduced wheat and gluten with no major problems but am continuing to steer clear of DAIRY and SUGAR), but the further I researched into healthy eating the more I became disturbed by this thing called GMOs. If you have the time to watch the following documentary I HIGHLY suggest it. It's called Genetic Roulette It really did change the way I looked at my food. It gave me the jumpstart  I needed to really commit to this new lifestyle change.

O.K. So I'll be honest...I knew before that our foods were "tampered" with...I knew our vegetables were sprayed with pesticides, but I thought "hey, I'll rinse them off a bit with water and it'll be fine." I knew all of the processed foods we buy in boxes were "bad" for you but they gotta be okay to eat, right? ...right??



The stuff sprayed on our fruits and vegetables, corn specifically, makes the insects stomachs explode after I know what you are thinking..the insects are much much smaller than us so we are just ingesting a small amount of the pesticide. But corn is in EVERYTHING! Just grab a box of anything from your cabinets and you will read the word "corn" in one way shape or form. I am definitely not saying that fruits and vegetables are bad for you because they are absolutely wonderful for us, but BUY ORGANIC! Or better yet have your own garden :) I know organic is expensive, but when you are buying more fruits and vegetables than you are processed junk (which needs to be kicked to the curb anyway) then the price of your grocery bills will be about even...I know because it's what I have been doing lately.
Top Genetically Modified Foods
  • Alfalfa
  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Cotton seed
  • Papaya
  • Soy
  • Sugar Beets
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash
  • Milk
  • Peas
  • Rice
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes

  • This list as well as a bunch of good information on Facts about GMOs and where to find non-GMO foods is found at

    Buy foods that are 100% organic and look for this label

     Could GMOs be the cause of all of these rampant sicknesses, diseases, and infertility issues? I do not know...but I know one thing...Our food was never intended for this type of treatment. Our bodies were never meant to consume this kind of food.

    I am making a commitment to as much organic and non-GMO food as I can.

    I am in the planning stages of have a garden this summer, and I can not wait!! I will know exactly what has been on my food when I eat it :)

    Hope you find this educational. I am still in the learning process myself, but if I can help in anyway just let me know!

    Blessings this week!
    Jami :)