Saturday, April 20, 2013

What's your motive?

Okay, so I know it's been a very long time since I last posted, and to be honest there's a reason for it. Not a good reason, but a reason nonetheless. The first couple months of this year I had excitement for getting healthy and learning how to do that, and I was taking steps to do so every day. But I found my motive was not in the right place....

Instead of focusing on the big picture that I was getting healthy and eliminating all of the toxins and processed junk from my diet, I had realized after a couple months that my skin was still flaring up and so I thought well this is working so I will eat whatever I want. I told myself that day that it would just be an every now and then thing but that most of the time I would still eat healthy, but to be honest I was frustrated with the fact that my skin issue was not cleared up yet and I just didn't care. So I ask you...all of you who are trying to be healthy and get fit...

What's your motive?
Is it to be skinny, or look a certain way? Is it to out do others s that you "look good"? Or is it to better your health? For me it started off to better my health, but what I didn't fully realize is that that takes time. I have spent pretty much my entire life eating junk food..processed foods, boxed meals, fast food, and sugared everything. It's how we are brought up eating in this country. How did I think I was going to reverse all of that in 2 months? This was supposed to be a lifestyle change...not a diet, not a fad, but that seems to be what it has turned into.
So what now? I am going to make every effort to go back to healthy eating, knowing well that I will slip up every now and then...I will be with friends where all they are eating is pizza or at a birthday party and have a piece of cake (especially if I made it haha). But here are my every day goal:
1) More veggies raw and cooked...less "snacking around on junk"
2) More fruit....less desserts with refined sugar
3) More healthy snacks like natural tortilla chips....less potato chips
4) More almond and coconut milk...less dairy
5) More coconut oil...less all other oils and butters
6) More lean meats and seafood...less fatty and red meats
7) More brown rice, couscous and quinoa....less starchy carbs such as bread, pasta, etc
Now...getting fit goals...After my knee arthroscopic surgery in December I was set on running again and doing the types of workouts I haven't been able to fully do since my car wreck two years ago. I an my first 10 minutes straight in years and it felt great! However, I let my busy life of teaching get in the way and found no time to work out. I tried running in the morning, but it's hard to wake up at 5am...I tried running after school but I am too exhausted after teaching...and later in the evening I just didn't care any more. I also got very excited about this yoga studio in Huntington I was introduced to and had plans of making it a regular part of my schedule, but then I never made time for it because my excuse what that it was just a little too far away.
So now my goal is to work out every day for at least 15 minutes (I know that doesn't seem like to much, but I also do not want to set myself up for failure). I am hopeful that I will find at last one yoga session a week that I can commit to. :)
I am set for my first 5k run in September...the Color Vibe I have a goal!
The first weekend in May I am doing a 5k walk...Race for a Cure. I am very excited.
This time around I know it will take a while to see a real change...not just 2 if you too have found yourself frustrated with no real change and have given up on your goals...join me today with a re-commitment. No shame in that. You fall, you get back up again. There is no sense in beating yourself up about what you haven't done, when there is always an opportunity to do it!
Well now I need to go decorate a cake! I promise I will only eat one little piece! Then off the Sam's to stock up on good fruits and veggies!