Sunday, February 1, 2015

I'm baaaaack! :)

Where to begin? Maybe where I left off. I started this blog 2 years ago today to promote my life style changes of healthier options. I last posted that I was very excited with the changes I was making in hopes of clearing up my horrible disorder called dermatographism. I had just started using essential oils. I ordered a kit through another company that I am not currently using any more, but I am not going to dwell on that much this post. I am however, now using dōTERRA essential oils and love love love them! They have completely changed the way I take care of myself and my family, but more on that later!

Most of you already know all of the BIG changes that have occurred in my life over the past two years, but here's a quick run down. While I types my last post, I had a little baby girl being formed inside of me.

Psalm 139:13(NLT)

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

I had no idea at the time how crazy my life was about to change! (i did not keep up with this blog because shortly after morning sickness struck with vengeance. (If only I would have none the oils that were safe to use during pregnancy that could have helped, but I was not built into a team like I am now that are so helpful to explain all of these details and want to see me reap maximum benefits with the oils! I truly am a part of a great family here with doTERRA!) 

My little girl, Ryleigh Faith Keaton has grown so much and is almost a year old!! 
 Newborn photo

10 months old!

This girl is my everything! God has blessed me indeed! It is true, children are a gift from the LORD! And I would have to say it is because of her that I have taken back this lifestyle of health and using all natural products! When a little baby gets sick there's not much you can give them to help ease their pain and discomfort. PLUS there are just way too many chemicals in our medicines anyway! So I started giving essential oils a try again. My cousin was currently using doTERRA and told me about an essential oil blend called Breathe, and I tell you what that stuff does exactly what it claims. After just a couple days of diffusing it in Ryleigh's room her congested/runny nose was all better! Lavender has also been a go to for us because it helps her sleep better. She is sleeping 10-12 hours straight every night! WAY to go doTERRA!

Well, I do not want to spend too much time on my initial post back, but its been a crazy year and a half with pregnancy and watching this joy from the Lord grow!
I am currently on an awesome cleanse with doTERRA, called the 30 day cleanse and restore that I learned about from Sarah deGroff (she's on my upline and so very helpful and informative!) and her class called Healthy from the Inside Out. Which is exactly what my body needs. My skin flairs up with hives because internally, my cells react in a crazy way anytime I scratch thinking I am attacking my body. Obviously there is something wrong internally that produces an external condition. I am having good progress already, but more on that later! 

I'll stop here for tonight, but if anything I have wrote about the essential oils sounds interesting to you contact me for more details!! I am a wellness consultant with doTERRA and can help get you started on your pathway to wellness too! 

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