Friday, July 5, 2013

Today is the day

When you think of the phrase, "today is the day", what comes to mind? An important event that is happening such a wedding, a birth, new job, moving into a new home? Why can't every day be a "today is the day"? Living life to the fullest! Just my thoughts on that title...

But today is, or was, the day I was going to start my candida (no gluten, no dairy, no sugar) diet. I say was because I have decided over some research and advice from a few people to not go hardcore into this diet right away. It can be a shock to the system so to speak and since I am not 100% sure what all is going on with my body, I don't want to accidentally release other toxins by trying to get rid of these certain ones. However it still is the day I make a change.

This is a quote the yoga studio I occasionally go to, Studio 8, had on their facebook page a couple days ago and it very much resonated with me! Check out Studio 8 here! I do plan on going least a couple times a week starting this coming week! In my last blog, "Past, Present, Future", found here, stated that July 5th is a very important day for me. My friend Jordin definitely lived by this motto "Wherever you are, be all there". I could say lots about this quote, but for a minute let it just speak to you...

So over the past week I have been in touch with someone who interestingly enough know both someone who has had major issues with candida AND someone who has had dermatographism! I have never been able to talk to someone who has experienced the same "weird" issues I have, an I will be meeting with her on Tuesday to discuss how to let the body heal itself naturally. I have also gotten into learning a lot about essential oils and their great benefits on our health...look for a blog post later on essential oils when I learn more about them :)

I have been gone all week at Model Schools Conference in DC, and it was so much fun! I learned all sorts of ideas to put into practice in my own classroom to get students more engaged and ready for the real world. With being so busy on this trip I learned how important good foods, vegetables and fruits, are to your diet. My meals contained very few fruits and veggies and my body could tell! So let me spend the last of this blog sharing the items that I will be eating today to reverse...items from my OWN garden! :)

Look at all those tomatoes growing!

Lettuce, carrots, broccoli, and green beans! What a lovely assortment!

I have learned a lot from gardening this year, what to grow more of, what to try differently, what to not grow next year...

All you gardeners or garden lovers, what are your suggestion of things to grow, or tips to growing delicious foods? Comment below :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Past, Present, Future

It's been a busy past couple months! In May, I ended the school year feeling accompished that I fairly successfully taught a full year of the new Math 1 (the old Algebra 1)! It was a challenge to teach a new curriculum, but more importantly, it was a challenge to teach less teacher directed and more student centered. Think back to when you were in high school; how did most of the teachers teach? Notes on the board, read this, do these problems, test on boring is that!? It is my goal to make math more meaningful for my students. To make it a challenge, but also to make it relevant to their lives! It's not an easy task.

Anyway...Then I went on vacation to Orlando: Universal Studios and Disney World. We went on this trip with the Disney Dining Plan where all of our meals at Disney were paid up front and it included one counter service meal, one table service meal, and a snack every day, and a drink and dessert with every meal!! Needless to say, I ate A LOT! And let's be honest, the majority of it was unhealthy. As much as I knew I need to be eating healthy, I just did not want to limit myself on this vacation. I may be wrong in this thinking, but every now and then it is okay to splurge! While being back home from vacation the past week, I have done some serious thinking about my health.

If you know me well and/or have been reading this blog, you know I have a skin condition called dermatographism (chronic hives aggrivated by touch). When I was on my sugar free, dairy free, gluten free diet earlier this year I definitely saw some progress, but got frustrated too quickly to see real results. I have done some more research and with the help of some friends, have decided to really give this diet another try for a much longer period of time. Therefore starting July 5, this blog will be on a three month long journey through my attempt to heal my body of this awful condition. The basis of the diet will be founded in the candida diet which rids the body of bacteria and yeast; I feel it best fits my needs at this time. Unfortunately I will have to be off ALL sugars for the majority of the time. I am hoping to reintroduce good fruits once my body has a chance to rebalance from all the horrible refined sugars I have thrust upon it over the years.

There is a significance to the date July 5. I first decided on this date for a different reason. I eagerly wanted to jump into this diet right after I got back from Disney knowing I needed to cleanse myself from all the hamburgers, fries, and desserts I had eaten. However, I am going on a education conference June 30 - July 3, and knowing how busy I will be in a different city I can not guarantee it will be that easy to stay committed while there. July 4 sounds like a good day to make my last day of "not so good for you foods" with it being a day of picnics and fireworks. So the 5th was the soonest I felt comfortable choosing. But the 5th of July is a very important day in my life...

On July 5, 2006, one of very best friends, Jordin Faith Schmidt, died in a car accident. We hadn't been friends for long, but it seemed like we had been friends for an eternity. We met the first day of college in Speech class. What's funny is at that point in my life I was terrified to speak in public, and I was going to be a teacher (what was I thinking!?). But then up pops Jordin bubbly as can be with her pink messenger bag, asking me if this was the room for speech class. She made that class and many others we took together fun. She also knew just how to make my horribly bad day better (7-11 slurpees, reese's cups, and late night drives to anywhere but here). July 5 that year stung like no day every has. I couldn't understand why she was allowed to be taken away, and I am not sure I ever fully will. But Jordin taught me to live every day to the fullest, even before her death, and that I am more than a conquerer through Christ. That is why I think it is fitting that I conquer this health issue once and for all starting on July 5. This year marks seven years since I last saw her. Seven is the number for completion. I can't even begin to explain in words everything I am feeling right now. But I am thankful for Jordin and all that she gave to me.

This seems like a good place to end this entry. Look for more to come after July 5th.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

What's your motive?

Okay, so I know it's been a very long time since I last posted, and to be honest there's a reason for it. Not a good reason, but a reason nonetheless. The first couple months of this year I had excitement for getting healthy and learning how to do that, and I was taking steps to do so every day. But I found my motive was not in the right place....

Instead of focusing on the big picture that I was getting healthy and eliminating all of the toxins and processed junk from my diet, I had realized after a couple months that my skin was still flaring up and so I thought well this is working so I will eat whatever I want. I told myself that day that it would just be an every now and then thing but that most of the time I would still eat healthy, but to be honest I was frustrated with the fact that my skin issue was not cleared up yet and I just didn't care. So I ask you...all of you who are trying to be healthy and get fit...

What's your motive?
Is it to be skinny, or look a certain way? Is it to out do others s that you "look good"? Or is it to better your health? For me it started off to better my health, but what I didn't fully realize is that that takes time. I have spent pretty much my entire life eating junk food..processed foods, boxed meals, fast food, and sugared everything. It's how we are brought up eating in this country. How did I think I was going to reverse all of that in 2 months? This was supposed to be a lifestyle change...not a diet, not a fad, but that seems to be what it has turned into.
So what now? I am going to make every effort to go back to healthy eating, knowing well that I will slip up every now and then...I will be with friends where all they are eating is pizza or at a birthday party and have a piece of cake (especially if I made it haha). But here are my every day goal:
1) More veggies raw and cooked...less "snacking around on junk"
2) More fruit....less desserts with refined sugar
3) More healthy snacks like natural tortilla chips....less potato chips
4) More almond and coconut milk...less dairy
5) More coconut oil...less all other oils and butters
6) More lean meats and seafood...less fatty and red meats
7) More brown rice, couscous and quinoa....less starchy carbs such as bread, pasta, etc
Now...getting fit goals...After my knee arthroscopic surgery in December I was set on running again and doing the types of workouts I haven't been able to fully do since my car wreck two years ago. I an my first 10 minutes straight in years and it felt great! However, I let my busy life of teaching get in the way and found no time to work out. I tried running in the morning, but it's hard to wake up at 5am...I tried running after school but I am too exhausted after teaching...and later in the evening I just didn't care any more. I also got very excited about this yoga studio in Huntington I was introduced to and had plans of making it a regular part of my schedule, but then I never made time for it because my excuse what that it was just a little too far away.
So now my goal is to work out every day for at least 15 minutes (I know that doesn't seem like to much, but I also do not want to set myself up for failure). I am hopeful that I will find at last one yoga session a week that I can commit to. :)
I am set for my first 5k run in September...the Color Vibe I have a goal!
The first weekend in May I am doing a 5k walk...Race for a Cure. I am very excited.
This time around I know it will take a while to see a real change...not just 2 if you too have found yourself frustrated with no real change and have given up on your goals...join me today with a re-commitment. No shame in that. You fall, you get back up again. There is no sense in beating yourself up about what you haven't done, when there is always an opportunity to do it!
Well now I need to go decorate a cake! I promise I will only eat one little piece! Then off the Sam's to stock up on good fruits and veggies!

Monday, March 4, 2013

GMOs - What in the world?

The topic that has been buzzing for me lately is GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). At first, I was like "What in the world is that?" I heard lots of negative connotations around them and knew it had to do with our food, but did not know much else about them. Basically foods and animals are genetically engineered to be something they naturally would not have been. Virtually all commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide.

I first started buying more fruits and vegetables while I was on my cleanse (which I have by the way reintroduced wheat and gluten with no major problems but am continuing to steer clear of DAIRY and SUGAR), but the further I researched into healthy eating the more I became disturbed by this thing called GMOs. If you have the time to watch the following documentary I HIGHLY suggest it. It's called Genetic Roulette It really did change the way I looked at my food. It gave me the jumpstart  I needed to really commit to this new lifestyle change.

O.K. So I'll be honest...I knew before that our foods were "tampered" with...I knew our vegetables were sprayed with pesticides, but I thought "hey, I'll rinse them off a bit with water and it'll be fine." I knew all of the processed foods we buy in boxes were "bad" for you but they gotta be okay to eat, right? ...right??



The stuff sprayed on our fruits and vegetables, corn specifically, makes the insects stomachs explode after I know what you are thinking..the insects are much much smaller than us so we are just ingesting a small amount of the pesticide. But corn is in EVERYTHING! Just grab a box of anything from your cabinets and you will read the word "corn" in one way shape or form. I am definitely not saying that fruits and vegetables are bad for you because they are absolutely wonderful for us, but BUY ORGANIC! Or better yet have your own garden :) I know organic is expensive, but when you are buying more fruits and vegetables than you are processed junk (which needs to be kicked to the curb anyway) then the price of your grocery bills will be about even...I know because it's what I have been doing lately.
Top Genetically Modified Foods
  • Alfalfa
  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Cotton seed
  • Papaya
  • Soy
  • Sugar Beets
  • Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash
  • Milk
  • Peas
  • Rice
  • Tomatoes
  • Potatoes

  • This list as well as a bunch of good information on Facts about GMOs and where to find non-GMO foods is found at

    Buy foods that are 100% organic and look for this label

     Could GMOs be the cause of all of these rampant sicknesses, diseases, and infertility issues? I do not know...but I know one thing...Our food was never intended for this type of treatment. Our bodies were never meant to consume this kind of food.

    I am making a commitment to as much organic and non-GMO food as I can.

    I am in the planning stages of have a garden this summer, and I can not wait!! I will know exactly what has been on my food when I eat it :)

    Hope you find this educational. I am still in the learning process myself, but if I can help in anyway just let me know!

    Blessings this week!
    Jami :)

    Saturday, February 9, 2013

    Probiotics and coconut oil

    These 2 are a must! A good probiotic is essential to your health. I am on the road right now so I can't give you all the benefits of these too that I would like, but I will at a late date. If you are not taking probiotics I highly suggest that you do! It helps balance out the bacteria in your digestive is full of the good bacteria we need to better digest food and it helps keep your gut free of candida and other infections.
    Coconut oil is also a must! It is a wonderful anti fungal for those with yeast infections! I can't even tell you how many other benefits it has. It helps clear up skin, heals cuts, helps you lose weight, is an amazing moisturizer, and an extremely healthy cooking oil! You can eat it and put it on your awesome is that!? I keep a jar in my kitchen and a jar in the bathroom. Make sure your coconut oil is organic! I have even used it as butter on my toast...delicious! I also have a new obsession with cutting up zucchini and cooking it in a frying pan with coconut oil! I have also been using it as a body and face wash and moisturizer. The cool thing about it is that below 75ih degrees its a solid and above that it becomes a liquid so just a scoop some into your hands and rub it together until it liquifies then lather it on! The yummy coconut smell is a nice bonus.
    I have also been takin quercetin that is found in apples and other veggies but can also be taken in supplement form. It's supposed to help with hives. Apples are just so healthy for you!
    One last thing because I am getting car sick...haha. Drink LOTS of water. I cannot stress how much you should be drinking water. Coffee and tea really dehydrate you so if you want I enjoy a cup make sure you drink extra water afterwards! Soda and most juices and soooo bad or you. Sugar to the extreme and so many strange names ingredients...just quit drinking them! Lol you should be drinking at least 64 oz of water a day but I say drink more! It really helps to flush out your system.
    Okay that's all for now...I am on my way to Easton town center mall!!! Ill update later :)

    Sunday, February 3, 2013

    Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free

    So what healthy lifestyle changes have I made already? Basically I have cut out gluten, dairy, and sugar from my diet (when I say diet I mean "what I eat" not the "I'm trying to lose weight" diet. I have researched both the candida diet and the anti-inflammatory diet quite extensively and have used the two as my basis.

    I actually spent a week detoxing my body was very difficult, and though a program I was following said it was not required I still thought it would be a good way to cleanse my organs of all the processed food I eat (as well as all the junk I ate over the holidays). This week of detox consisted of me eating ONLY fruits and vegetables and taking a fiber drink twice a day. I surprisingly did not starve, but it was still quite difficult.

    After that was over, I started what I am now continuing to follow. The number one thing I knew needed to go was sugar. We all know how bad sugar is for you...causes you to gain weight, problematic to people with diabetes, etc, but for those who are prone to candida or have a yeast infection it is of extreme importance to avoid it at all costs...Candida feeds off of sugar so you can't truly eliminate it from your body until you cut off its supply. This is hard for me as a cake decorator, and you may think...I can't do that! I crave sweets! Well guess why you crave them?? And yes, it will be very hard at first to avoid the temptation, but once your body realizes its not getting anymore it kinda "gets over it". When I say "no sugar" I mean all forms including refined sugar, powdered sugar, honey, maple syrup, and all sugar substitutes. Many things you see out there that claim to be sugar free and actually filled with a sugar substitute such as aspartame, and this does just as much harm to your body. Most candida diets are more strict with the sugar than I am...they also exclude all fruits except lemons and limes, but I have also allowed myself to eat some apples and berries because they are just so good for you and have lower amounts of sugar.

    Next thing I realized was going to have to go is dairy. Now that I have cut it out I realize how much of a dairy person I am. I had milk every day with my cereal, cheese usually in my lunch and often in my dinner as well, I love string cheese, yogurt was a daily thing for me, and my favorite dessert is cheesecake! I have tried before years ago to cut out dairy and failed miserably, but this time around it has been easier. Maybe I am just more motivated. I use almond milk now instead. Vanilla almond milk unsweetened to be exact. (The unsweetened goes back to the no sugar rule). It is okay by itself, but better in things like smoothies and oatmeal. There are lots of other non-dairy options with cheese and yogurt, but I have yet to try them.

    So , I know what you are thinking...seriously, NO sugar, and NO dairy? Well now let me add a third really hard one for me. Gluten...some of you may not really know what gluten is. Gluten is found in foods processed from wheat and other grains alike (barley and rye). Why must it be avoided? Well for one it is connected to yeast, secondly many people are sensitive to it and don't even know it, and it's high in carbohydrates which your body turns into sugar. Let me tell you, I am a huge carb lover...I love bread, pasta, and potatoes, which are all "no no's" on this diet.

    So here's what every one is probably wondering now, "what in the world can you eat then!?" Lots and lots of veggies (limiting carrots, potatoes, and other starchy carbohydrate filled ones), some fruits as listed above, brown rice, lean meats (but be careful...they need to be organic/free of antibiotics...wild caught salmon is great...absolutely great for you), nuts (not peanuts), beans (but limit these as well). To sweeten things I have been using packets of stevia, because everything I have read thus far "OK's" it, and for those of you like me that love pasta, they make pasta that is made from brown rice (found in health food section). Tortilla chips and hummus are a nice snack. Here are some meals I have been eating:

        Breakfast: Oatmeal, smoothies, eggs and turkey sausage, herbal tea
        Lunch:  Salad with lots of veggies and chicken (dressing is olive oil and lemon..the only okay vinegar is apple cider), vegetable beef soup (homemade of course), chili, tortilla chips...
        Dinner: Baked/grilled chicken, salmon, brown rice, broccoli (great for you), ground turkey with tomato sauce (no added sugar) and brown rice pasta.

    There are tons more options and I will let you know of them as I update, but I think this is good for now. One last thing I want to point out. The first couple weeks on this I was doing great, but then started to get frustrated with the results and  got busy and went to a few parties (and made cakes) and I began eating whatever I wanted again..and within 2 days I felt sick every night and my skin became inflamed quicker and more often. Needless to say I learned my lesson and am giving this healthy lifestyle change the time it needs to reverse whatever I have been doing to my body for this long. It takes times...lots more time than you think to rid your body of the toxins that have been there for who knows how long. DON'T GIVE UP!

    Next blog I will go more into detail with the supplements I take and other measures I am taking to get myself back on track! Leave me comments on what you think and any questions you have.

    Have a blessed day,
    Jami :)

    Friday, February 1, 2013

    First Blog Ever...Intro to Me :)

        I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now...I have had so many ideas and thoughts running through my head lately that I figured it would just help me to get it all written out somewhere. Also I have been making some healthier lifestyle changes that many have been interested in knowing how that is going so I figured this would be the best way to keep everyone informed :). I will get to all the changes in just a bit!

       I don't want this to get too lengthy, but I would like to give a little background information about myself first! My name is Jami and I have lived in West Virginia all my life. I used to want out of here the first chance I got, but I have learned to not only appreciate what this state has to offer, but also really enjoy the beauty of it. I attended Marshall University and received my bachelor's in Math Education. I am now a freshman math teacher, and currently taking graduate classes to get my masters in education. I got married July 24, 2010 and it was the best decision of my life. My husband is my rock. He is very supportive, helping and loving, and I am blessed to have him as mine.

       Unfortunately right after we got married, I developed a strange skin disorder called chronic urticarial (chronic hives) in the major form of dermatographism (which literally means the ability to write on ones skin. I have been told by doctors that it is an internal issue where my body produces too much histamine in order to defend any outside attack (i.e. a scratch, rub, or hot/cold contact to my skin).
    All these doctor's wanted to do was put me n high dosages of anti-histamine and sometimes even medicines that were actually for depression and what not. Personally, I am becoming "not a fan" of all these prescriptions doctors are wanting to put us on, so I have begun to take matter into my own hands.
    This is my arm a couple minutes after lightly scratching "hello"

       My healthy lifestyle change consists of a change in diet, taking more natural supplements rather than prescriptions, changing what I not only put into my body by on my body (skin), and working out more...which is where the sweats portion of this blog comes into play. I will get more into these changes I am making in other blogs, but I wanted to point out the greatest one for me to over come right now is sugar. As the other name of this blog sit, sweets, I love to decorate cakes and of course eat them haha.  But because I have had several bouts with candida (yeast) I am noticing they usually end up making me feel quite sick afterwards. So that is the first thing I am cutting out. No worries though, I will still be making cakes :)

       I have so many pictures of cakes that I have decorated in the past 2 years that I would take up way to much room posting them all, but here are a few of my favorite ones I have made thus far...

    Well there's about me...I will be posting again soon to let you all know the changes I have been making for a fresh start to 2013!