Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sugar Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free

So what healthy lifestyle changes have I made already? Basically I have cut out gluten, dairy, and sugar from my diet (when I say diet I mean "what I eat" not the "I'm trying to lose weight" diet. I have researched both the candida diet and the anti-inflammatory diet quite extensively and have used the two as my basis.

I actually spent a week detoxing my body was very difficult, and though a program I was following said it was not required I still thought it would be a good way to cleanse my organs of all the processed food I eat (as well as all the junk I ate over the holidays). This week of detox consisted of me eating ONLY fruits and vegetables and taking a fiber drink twice a day. I surprisingly did not starve, but it was still quite difficult.

After that was over, I started what I am now continuing to follow. The number one thing I knew needed to go was sugar. We all know how bad sugar is for you...causes you to gain weight, problematic to people with diabetes, etc, but for those who are prone to candida or have a yeast infection it is of extreme importance to avoid it at all costs...Candida feeds off of sugar so you can't truly eliminate it from your body until you cut off its supply. This is hard for me as a cake decorator, and you may think...I can't do that! I crave sweets! Well guess why you crave them?? And yes, it will be very hard at first to avoid the temptation, but once your body realizes its not getting anymore it kinda "gets over it". When I say "no sugar" I mean all forms including refined sugar, powdered sugar, honey, maple syrup, and all sugar substitutes. Many things you see out there that claim to be sugar free and actually filled with a sugar substitute such as aspartame, and this does just as much harm to your body. Most candida diets are more strict with the sugar than I am...they also exclude all fruits except lemons and limes, but I have also allowed myself to eat some apples and berries because they are just so good for you and have lower amounts of sugar.

Next thing I realized was going to have to go is dairy. Now that I have cut it out I realize how much of a dairy person I am. I had milk every day with my cereal, cheese usually in my lunch and often in my dinner as well, I love string cheese, yogurt was a daily thing for me, and my favorite dessert is cheesecake! I have tried before years ago to cut out dairy and failed miserably, but this time around it has been easier. Maybe I am just more motivated. I use almond milk now instead. Vanilla almond milk unsweetened to be exact. (The unsweetened goes back to the no sugar rule). It is okay by itself, but better in things like smoothies and oatmeal. There are lots of other non-dairy options with cheese and yogurt, but I have yet to try them.

So , I know what you are thinking...seriously, NO sugar, and NO dairy? Well now let me add a third really hard one for me. Gluten...some of you may not really know what gluten is. Gluten is found in foods processed from wheat and other grains alike (barley and rye). Why must it be avoided? Well for one it is connected to yeast, secondly many people are sensitive to it and don't even know it, and it's high in carbohydrates which your body turns into sugar. Let me tell you, I am a huge carb lover...I love bread, pasta, and potatoes, which are all "no no's" on this diet.

So here's what every one is probably wondering now, "what in the world can you eat then!?" Lots and lots of veggies (limiting carrots, potatoes, and other starchy carbohydrate filled ones), some fruits as listed above, brown rice, lean meats (but be careful...they need to be organic/free of antibiotics...wild caught salmon is great...absolutely great for you), nuts (not peanuts), beans (but limit these as well). To sweeten things I have been using packets of stevia, because everything I have read thus far "OK's" it, and for those of you like me that love pasta, they make pasta that is made from brown rice (found in health food section). Tortilla chips and hummus are a nice snack. Here are some meals I have been eating:

    Breakfast: Oatmeal, smoothies, eggs and turkey sausage, herbal tea
    Lunch:  Salad with lots of veggies and chicken (dressing is olive oil and lemon..the only okay vinegar is apple cider), vegetable beef soup (homemade of course), chili, tortilla chips...
    Dinner: Baked/grilled chicken, salmon, brown rice, broccoli (great for you), ground turkey with tomato sauce (no added sugar) and brown rice pasta.

There are tons more options and I will let you know of them as I update, but I think this is good for now. One last thing I want to point out. The first couple weeks on this I was doing great, but then started to get frustrated with the results and  got busy and went to a few parties (and made cakes) and I began eating whatever I wanted again..and within 2 days I felt sick every night and my skin became inflamed quicker and more often. Needless to say I learned my lesson and am giving this healthy lifestyle change the time it needs to reverse whatever I have been doing to my body for this long. It takes times...lots more time than you think to rid your body of the toxins that have been there for who knows how long. DON'T GIVE UP!

Next blog I will go more into detail with the supplements I take and other measures I am taking to get myself back on track! Leave me comments on what you think and any questions you have.

Have a blessed day,
Jami :)

1 comment:

  1. I would like to make one comment on this...I do not want anyone to think that you must cut all of this out to be healthy...I am simply cutting it all out because I need to see if I am intolerant to any of it. I suspect dairy is the culprit for me... : /
