Saturday, February 9, 2013

Probiotics and coconut oil

These 2 are a must! A good probiotic is essential to your health. I am on the road right now so I can't give you all the benefits of these too that I would like, but I will at a late date. If you are not taking probiotics I highly suggest that you do! It helps balance out the bacteria in your digestive is full of the good bacteria we need to better digest food and it helps keep your gut free of candida and other infections.
Coconut oil is also a must! It is a wonderful anti fungal for those with yeast infections! I can't even tell you how many other benefits it has. It helps clear up skin, heals cuts, helps you lose weight, is an amazing moisturizer, and an extremely healthy cooking oil! You can eat it and put it on your awesome is that!? I keep a jar in my kitchen and a jar in the bathroom. Make sure your coconut oil is organic! I have even used it as butter on my toast...delicious! I also have a new obsession with cutting up zucchini and cooking it in a frying pan with coconut oil! I have also been using it as a body and face wash and moisturizer. The cool thing about it is that below 75ih degrees its a solid and above that it becomes a liquid so just a scoop some into your hands and rub it together until it liquifies then lather it on! The yummy coconut smell is a nice bonus.
I have also been takin quercetin that is found in apples and other veggies but can also be taken in supplement form. It's supposed to help with hives. Apples are just so healthy for you!
One last thing because I am getting car sick...haha. Drink LOTS of water. I cannot stress how much you should be drinking water. Coffee and tea really dehydrate you so if you want I enjoy a cup make sure you drink extra water afterwards! Soda and most juices and soooo bad or you. Sugar to the extreme and so many strange names ingredients...just quit drinking them! Lol you should be drinking at least 64 oz of water a day but I say drink more! It really helps to flush out your system.
Okay that's all for now...I am on my way to Easton town center mall!!! Ill update later :)

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